A valuable new resource for care home managers
A series of new guides has been launched to give information and guidance to care home owners and registered managers about their legal responsibilities to those in their care.
A recent review of the care homes sector by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) resulted in a swathe of new guidance being produced for care home owners and registered managers. This guidance is now available in handy booklets produced by Business Companion, a website designed to offer trading standards information to businesses, supported by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
These new Care Home Guides are an important read for everyone in the care homes profession, since they set out in plain English the legal requirements around dealing with residents, prospective residents and their representatives.
Much of the information contained in the booklets focuses on communication. The CMA review looked into how care homes can better communicate with prospective residents and their representatives in order to provide them with key information about important things like accommodation, pricing and staffing provisions. The booklets set out what this key information should consist of and how it should be presented. They also set out what important, additional information should be provided.
One of the booklets has been produced specifically to offer guidance on how to go about designing your care home’s website so it contains key information in a manner that is clear, easily accessible and accurate – something that makes sense from a business perspective as much as a legal one.
Another of the booklets gives guidance on how to stay within fair trading rules, which means ensuring that you have a sound understanding of your obligations under consumer law. Much of this involves best practice principles that any reputable business would follow as a matter of course – for example, not making misleading claims or providing false information – but it is useful to have this guidance set out in one place, and from a source you can trust.
Each of the booklets contains checklists that can be used as reference guides when ensuring that you’re following the rules, and they also serve as handy staff training resources.
Running a care home is no easy task, and the constant demands on your time as a care home professional can make it difficult to keep up with the latest changes in the law. While there are obviously serious implications to breaking the law, the emphasis of these guides is on how you, your staff and your business can all benefit from following the rules, making your care home a better place to be for everyone – including, most importantly, the residents.
Taking just a few minutes to read through Business Companion’s Care Home Guides could be the most important thing you do this week.
To find out more about each of the booklets, and to read the guidance summaries, visit: www.businesscompanion.info/carehomes
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