Abbeyfield The Dales shuffles senior management team with new CEO appointment
A charity that provides housing, support and care for people at different stages of later life across Yorkshire has announced a change to its senior management team.
Philip Birkinshaw has been appointed as the new CEO of Abbeyfield The Dales, as Jackie Bradfield leaves the position.
With a background in social housing and both the residential and domiciliary care sectors, Birkinshaw joined Abbeyfield The Dales on 1 August.

Abbeyfield The Dales said the incoming CEO’s wealth of experience across the sectors was key to his appointment, as were his strong set of personal values and principles that are closely aligned to those of the charity.
The Dales added: “Abbeyfield’s founding principles, ethos and values, ensuring that residents are at the heart of everything we do, are closely matched to those of his own and the social purpose and charitable objectives of the organisation will make this a rewarding role for him.”
Birkinshaw commented: “I am very excited to start with Abbeyfield The Dales and will absolutely build on the excellent work delivered through the inspirational leadership of its out-going chief executive, Jackie Bradfield.
“I will continue to drive us towards creating first class, responsive services for our residents whilst not losing that family feel and personal touch, and I hope to put these services at the heart of every community they are in.”
Jackie Bradfield, Abbeyfield The Dales’ out-going CEO, added: “I feel both extremely fortunate and honoured to have been in a position to work with so many amazing people, residents, families, staff and volunteers all of whom make it a unique organisation.”
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