Beverley Parklands achieves CQC ‘outstanding’ after first inspection
Beverley Parklands Care Home in East Yorkshire has been awarded an ‘outstanding’ rating by CQC following an inspection in September.
Part of the Yorkare Homes group, this was the home’s first inspection since opening in September 2017.
Jonathon Garton, operations director at Yorkare Homes, said: “The report is fantastic, and truly reflects the standards of care being delivered by the team and the quality of leadership at the home led by the registered manager, Sheena Kidd.

The CQC said that the care home’s registered manager, Sheena, demonstrated strong values relating to the quality of care being delivered. Due to there being a strong emphasis on improving services through consultations with people, relatives and healthcare professionals involved with the service through informal chats, meetings, reviews and surveys.
A healthcare professional who works with Beverley Parklands, said: “It appears on my visits that members of staff have become friends with the residents, something in my experience you do not come across regularly.”
The CQC commented: “There was a warm and open atmosphere upon entering Beverley Parklands. The service had a clear management structure, with an experienced registered manager and two unit leaders. They worked closely with staff, and observed the care being provided.”
“People were encouraged to do things they enjoyed and found meaningful, and this included social activities based on people’s past hobbies and occupations. The range of activity available meant that people enjoyed a life with their social needs extremely well met.”
The CQC found that people, their relatives and staff were confident in the leadership of the service which they described in terms such as, “a very well run place”, “having high standards” and “very family orientated.”
To read the report click here.
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