Care England chief urges government to deliver on integration

Care England Chief Executive Martin Green has urged the government to deliver on integration by adopting a more even-handed funding approach to health and social care services.
Speaking at Care England’s ‘Logging On’ Conference and Exhibition in Westminster yesterday, Martin lambasted the government’s funding position as “disgraceful”.
Martin said: “There is a real challenge to get the government to understand that if they talk about integration they are going to have start delivering it and part of that is about a consistent approach to funding and outcomes right across the sector.”

The Care England Chief Executive called for the rewarding of care providers who deliver high quality care and help people regain their independence.
Martin urged care providers to diversify and develop new models of care, adding: “There is a real opportunity for residential care to be a hub for long term conditions in the community.”
The Care England boss said there was a “policy vacuum” on social care, adding the Social Care Green Paper would not provide a “paradigm shift”.
He was also scathing of critics of private investors in the sector, commenting: “Capital investment is absolutely vital in this sector.
“If people don’t like inward investment they should come up with the money themselves.”
Martin concluded by saying he was “optimistic” about the future of the sector because of the “energy and creativity” of its people.
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