ICare Ambassadors
We are passionate about careers in Health and Social care and are aware of the predicted shortages. To enable us to attract the best people to the sector, 1 Stop Healthcare are proud to of enrolled as ICare Ambassadors, utilising our experienced staff team to share their experiences of care and why this should be a chosen career path.
Benefit to our customers:
- We attract the best people – statistics show that one in three people are more interested in a career in care having heard from an ambassador.
- We have increased retention – we know that over 70% of ambassadors feel more confident and motivated in their work as a result of being an ambassador.
- We create a professional image and quality profile – that reflects on the customers that we support
Industry led specialists
Expert Recruitment Teams
To enhance our service provision and be able to set our services apart, we are developing our recruitment teams led only by
Healthcare Professionals. All members of our recruitment teams are industry experienced and held Senior Care positions. We
have specialists that include a Dementia lead.
Benefit to our customers:
- We are able to support our customers with both expertise and comprehensive service.
- We can relate to the challenges that our customers face in recruitment of the right staff
- Our customers are assured that we understand the role and expectations of our workforce
- Candidates are supported to be the best they can be in the industry
- Improved matching of candidates to suit the setting
- Sharing of best practice
CQC satisfaction for using agency staff
1 Stop are CQC registered with all standards met and a good rating demonstrating our service is performing well and meeting CQC expectations.
CQC inspection areas latest report
- Treating people with respect and involving them in their care
- Providing care, treatment and support that meets people’s needs
- Caring for people safely and protecting them from harm
- Staffing
- Quality and suitability of management
Training and Apprentice Academy
Skill shortages in the Care sector are a highly publicised fact. At 1 Stop we have worked over the past 12 months to create services that can help to bridge the gap for our customers working in partnership to create opportunities for people seeking a career in Health and Social care and have launched 1 Stop Training Academy and Apprentice scheme.
Benefit to our customers:
We can offer reduced costs for workers in our Training Academy
- We provide our own Assessor to observe, so services do not have to facilitate
- CQC satisfied that the use of agency workers is delivered by a credible source
Care Certificate
The delivery of knowledgeable and confident Healthcare professionals to our customers and the people that they support is crucial. 1 Stop Healthcare have an in-house assessor to facilitate the 15 areas of competency. The enrolment onto our Care Certificate is mandatory for all new candidates to our business. Existing workers are currently being phased in.
Benefits to our customers:
- We have our own Assessor that will conduct assessments on workers minimising time spent for our customers
- Customers receive competent and knowledgeable agency staff into their services.
- Candidates are more confident when first engaging with a new services
- CQC are satisfied that the agency staff engaged are competent in their duties
- Risk is mitigated for our customers
ESOL – functional skills English
1 Stop embrace diversity and the unique contribution that a diverse staff team can bring. We are engaged with Essex CC to deliver functional skills in English and Maths. From 2017 this is a mandatory course for any employee wishing to join our organisation with English as a second language, the 12 week course is facilitated in our offices for enhanced engagement.
Benefits to our customers
- Reduced language barrier issues for staff team and residents/service users
- Increased confidence of temporary staff team
- Mitigated risk
Risk mitigation and compliance and two areas that we take extremely seriously. The protection of our customers and their service users is paramount.
Benefit to our customers:
- We are aligned with industry legislation, CQC and the REC’s Code of Professional Practice.
- We have achieved a 100% audit pass rate from external auditors in 2016.
- Our customers have peace of mind they are dealing with a professional recruitment partner
DBS Umbrella Body
1 Stop Healthcare are a registered DBS umbrella body.
Benefits to our customers:
- We are able to offer the processing of DBS applications for our customers for internal staff.
- Customers can be assured that we ensure compliance of all workers