CQC shuts down Manchester care home over risk to residents

Viewpark Care Home in Moston, Manchester has been closed by the CQC after residents were found to be at “risk of serious harm”.
Enforcement action was taken to cancel the registration of the service, which was rated ‘inadequate’ in November 2016 and remained in special measures following a series of inspections in 2017 and 2018. The provider was also fined £1,250 for failing to notify the CQC of a serious injury.
Debbie Westhead, CQC’s Deputy Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care, said: “The provider was given every chance to improve the service and provide high quality consistent care. On serval occasions we found the home putting people at risk by not taking the advice from health care professionals. We also had serious concerns over the management and leadership of the service.

“Taking enforcement action of this nature is not something we take lightly, nevertheless the safe care and treatment of people using services is our highest priority and they deserve safe, effective high-quality care.
“We appreciate this action will have caused stress and worry for the families and for those involved, but our priority will always be to ensure consistently safe, effective and responsive care for people living in services.”
The CQC said it had worked closely with Manchester City Council to support the relocation of the home’s 12 residents prior to the home’s closure.
The decision to remove the provider’s registration was completed on 17 September.
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