CQC tells HC-One services to improve


Stadium Court was one of 110 care homes acquired from Bupa in December 2017

Two HC-One care homes have been told to improve following recent CQC inspections.

White Rose House in Holmfirth and Stadium Court Care Home in Stoke on Trent were rated Requires Improvement following inspections in June and July, respectively.

In its June inspection of White Rose House, the CQC said faeces stains had been left throughout the day on toilet lids and staff were unsure of how many residents were in the building.

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During a fire drill, which took place during the inspection, people and staff were initially moved towards the possible source of the fire. Issues were also found with recording medicine stocks.

On the positive side, residents were complimentary of staff, saying they respected their privacy and dignity. One resident described care provided during bathing as “tip top”.

The inspection of Stadium Court, meanwhile, was its first since its transfer from Bupa at the end of last year (see Bupa transfers 110 care homes to HC-One).

While residents told inspectors there had been a “vast improvement” since its change of operator and a health professional said the home was “much more organised”, it was rated Requires Improvement.

The CQC highlighted issues with regards to medicines management and storage, and heard mixed feedback on staffing levels.

An HC-One spokesperson said: “Since taking over the home in December 2017, we have been working hard to improve the home through our transformation action plan. This has included appointing a new home manager, who is being supported by a dedicated turnaround manager, and investing in the staff team through our award-winning training and development programme.

“These changes are delivering real, positive results for our residents. We are pleased with the progress being made and that the CQC report included many positive comments.”

Commenting on White Rose House, the spokesperson added: “We acted immediately to address the CQC’s concerns with a rigorous action plan to ensure the level of care at White Rose House is at the high standard we expect across all HC-One homes.

“Staff and residents at White Rose House have been fully supported with daily visits from the HC-One regional team, and a new permanent home manager is due to start imminently.

“Whilst we are working hard to make all the improvements needed, we have also noted the CQC’s positive comments about the caring approach of the home’s staff and the varied amount of activities available to residents. We are confident we will have made significant progress by our next inspection.”


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