Damning verdict issued on ‘smelly’ care home

A damning verdict has been issued on a Merseyside care home where inspectors found “offensive” odours in some people’s bedrooms.
In an inspection report of Homecrest Care Centre in Wallasey, the CQC said “it was difficult to comprehend that people still lived in these conditions”.
Inspectors found that some bedrooms smelt “extremely offensive” and described communal odours as “malodorous” and “unpleasant to be in”.

The CQC also found that the home’s boiler had repeatedly failed, leaving residents at times with no access to hot water to wash in.
Records showed that one person had not had a bath or shower for 19 days.
Inspectors also found the risk of Legionella bacteria developing in the water supply due to it not be kept at the right temperature.
Medicines were not stored at the right temperatures, meaning that they were sometimes not safe to use.
The home, which is run by Norens Limited, provides nursing and person care for people living with dementia and mental health conditions.
The service was rated Inadequate for being Safe, Responsive and Well-led, and Requires Improvement for being Effective and Caring.
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