Disability group calls for strong partnership with NHS England


The Voluntary Organisations Disability Group (VODG) has called on NHS England to significantly strengthen its partnership approach.

The calls comes ahead of BBC Radio 4’s documentary ‘transforming care – is it working?’ which airs at 8pm tonight.

VODG chief executive Dr Rhidian Hughes said: “People have every right to have their preferences, aspirations and choices met when using services. NHS England should significantly strengthen its partnership with the voluntary sector to build community capacity and reduce the numbers within long-stay hospitals. The forthcoming NHS plan must be clear on how funding and services will shift away from expensive and outdated forms of provision.”

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A report from VODG earlier this year, based on a pilot project in London, identified a number of barriers faced by voluntary sector organisations supporting people out of long-stay hospitals.

This included a lack of strategic and joined up approaches to meeting individuals’ needs. The report also highlighted solutions and demonstrated how stronger accountability, improved communication and knowledge sharing can help.

NHS England policy, building the right support, set out how transforming care is a joint endeavour between people who use services and their families, providers and commissioners.

VODG said it recognised that no-one holds all the answers but with the right approach the ambition to ensure people are supported in their local communities could be a reality.


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