Four Seasons home praised for improvements following safeguarding incident
A Four Seasons home that had been told to improve after a resident was found to have left its premises has been praised by the Care Inspectorate.
The report following an inspection in August said residents’ quality of life had begun to improve.
The watchdog said: “The residents’ quality of life had begun to improve. Although practices varied, staff remained task focused.”

The report added that further work was required, however, to ensure “improvements were fully embraced into culture and practice by staff and be sustainable”.
A Four Seasons spokesperson said: “People living in Woodside House told the CI inspectors that they were well looked after and overall they were happy with the service they received. The inspectors saw residents interacting with staff in a relaxed, informal, friendly manner.
“The home is current graded as 3, which equates to adequate, in all aspects. The inspectors’ report reflects that there has been a programme of improvements both to the service and to the home environment, which is continuing.
“We now have a very experienced home manager in place, who has a track record of transforming the standards of care and the resident experience in other homes. The expertise, direction and support that she has brought to the care team is improving performance, motivation and morale. In a survey earlier this month colleagues in the home were positive about teamwork, scoring it 94 out of 100.
“A full-time activities coordinator, who was being recruited at the time of the inspection, is in post and has been developing a full programme of activities and entertainment in consultation with residents to ensure their needs and preferences are met.”
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