Innovative Bradford care home rated ‘outstanding’ by CQC

An innovative Bradford care home has been rated ‘outstanding’ in four out of the five CQC Key Lines of Enquiry (KLOE).
Formations Care Home in Shipley, which is registered to provide accommodation for up to 24 people, was rated outstanding for being effective, caring, responsive and well-led, and ‘good’ for the safe KLOE.
The management team at Formations Care Home said: “We are very proud of this year’s achievements. The inspection outcome and feedback has been particularly special because it’s our service’s first inspection since we opened in 2017.

“The report reflects the quality of care provided by our fantastic team really well and the feedback from relatives, residents and health and social care partners is truly heart-warming. We are proud to be delivering an outstanding service in Bradford and will continue to do the best we can to provide the highest standard of care and support for all who live and work in our home.”
Debbie Westhead, Deputy Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, praised the home’s proactive approach to gathering new research and development from other organisations to inform and train its staff.
“It was clear to us that the provider valued people’s contribution to the service and how their views should shape the support they receive,” she said.
“People and their relatives were also actively involved in the home’s recruitment process helping inform the selection of staff based on people’s needs.”
The CQC also commented on the home’s work in developing bespoke training solutions, highlighting an exercise involving a simulated contaminated package that was tracked through the home to identify the areas and risks that infection poses.
To read the report, click here.
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