Kent nursing home ordered to improve or face possible closure

A Kent nursing home has been placed on notice to make significant improvements over the next six months or face possible closure.
Lauriston House, which is part of Larchwood Care Homes (South) Limited, was rated ‘inadequate’ and placed in special measures by the CQC following an inspection in November.
James Frewin, CQC’s Head of Inspection for Adult Social Care in London, said: “Lauriston House is now in special measures. It will be kept under review and will be inspected again within six months.

“If not enough improvement is made within this time we will consider further action in line with our enforcement procedures including preventing the provider from operating this service.”
An inspection of the home was carried out in November following concerns raised by health care professionals, the local authority safeguarding team, relatives and staff related to poor staffing levels, staff not understanding people’s needs in relation to diet and nutrition, weight loss and pressure sores, people’s care needs not being met, and the unsafe management of medicines at the home.
The CQC added it was monitoring the investigation of eight safeguarding concerns at the service by the local authority.
A spokesperson for the home said: “We are disappointed with the outcome of this inspection which does not meet the high standards we set. We are working closely with the CQC and London Borough of Bromley to address the findings. We have created a robust action plan, including a new management structure, which has been in place for almost two months, and is already yielding positive results.”
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