LaingBuisson to find the fair rate of NHS Funded Nursing Care

LaingBuisson has been awarded a contract by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to review the NHS-Funded Nursing Care (NHS FNC) rate in England.
In assessing the fair rate for 2018/19 NHS FNC, LaingBuisson will consider a number of factors, including:
The cost to nursing homes of providing registered nursing staff per resident per week;

The proportion of nursing care provided by registered nursing staff that should be included in the NHS FNC rate, according to the legislation; and
The share of nursing home residents who qualify for NHS FNC.
William Laing, Data Director at LaingBuisson, said: “We are pleased to be working with the Department of Health and Social care on this vital piece of work.
“As close market observers over the past 30 years, we recognise the importance of this work in enabling the Department to make evidence-based decisions to set a fair FNC rate which is key to ensuring many people in nursing homes receive the care they need. We look forward to supporting the Department of Health and Social Care with this project.”
The universal survey of all nursing home in England will roll out from November 12 and will run alongside focused analysis of a 10% sample of nursing homes.
The research will also be supported by online forms and a mobile app to increase data accuracy.
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