Manchester care home faces closure after council terminates contract
Viewpark care home in Moston is facing closure after the cancellation of its local authority contract.
The council previously suspended admissions to the home, which provides elderly care for up to 27 people.
The service was rated Inadequate and placed into Special Measures by the CQC following an inspection in May 2018.

While its latest inspection found improvements had been made in relation to employment of fit and proper persons, safeguarding, need for consent and the duty of candour, the CQC found ongoing breaches of regulations, including in relation to staff training, person-centred care, good governance and multiple breaches in relation to safe care and treatment.
The CQC also identified a new breach of regulations in relation to treating people with dignity and respect.
Councillor Bev Craig, Manchester Council’s executive member for adults, health and wellbeing, told the Manchester Evening News: “Good quality, safe and effective services are something that every Manchester person deserves so we took the decision to suspend the home from new admissions in September 2017 due to concerns over the quality of the service.
“Our staff have worked in partnership with the care home and the CQC to establish a safe and effective service for residents and ensure long term sustainable improvement, however, due to ongoing concerns, commissioners decided to terminate the contract with the home in July.”
The council has placed its own care staff in the home to ensure there is sufficient support for the 12 remaining residents and is working to find them alternative accommodation.
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