North east charity announces nursing home and day centre closure
The Cleveland Alzheimer’s Residential Centre (Clevearc) has announced the closure of its Kirkdale nursing home in Thornaby and day centre in Guisborough.
The charity’s Trustees said the services would be closed due to “continued financial challenges” following a consultation.
Chairman of the board of trustees of the Clevearc charity, Alan Kitching, said: “As a small, local charity, we are providing care services at a time of very challenging national and local economic circumstances which are only set to become more challenging. Meanwhile, the costs of providing services which meet the very complex needs of our client group continue to increase.

“We have had to consider the closure of some parts of, and possibly the whole, charity. These are not considerations we have taken lightly and we have looked at many different options.
“With huge regret and sadness, we have told staff and families this week that because of the ongoing financial struggles we face and will continue to face if no changes are made, Kirkdale and the day centre will both close.
“We are devastated not to have been able to secure the future of these great services, whose teams have provided fantastic care for many years.”
Clevearc Day Centre is due to close at Christmas with Kirkdale Nursing Home shutting its doors at the end of January.
The charity said it make “strenuous efforts” to maintain its remaining home, Allison House in Thornaby.
Mr Kitching added the charity would consider the sale of Kirkdale as a vacant building as well as Allison House as a going concern.
He added: “At Kirkdale and the day centre we will be supporting residents and their families to find and move to alternative homes, or to source alternative day care. We know this will be a very worrying time for them and for that we sincerely apologise.
“Our priority at Clevearc has always been to provide the very best care and support we can for those in our area living with dementia. We are extremely saddened that these services will close and will do all we can to minimise upset for all those affected.”
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