One of England’s ‘worst’ care homes gets final CQC report

A Liverpool care home that was ranked one of the worst in the country has received its final CQC inspection report.
The Inadequate rating of Woolton Manor Care Home was issued this month following an inspection in July, which took place shortly before the service’s closure.
The CQC highlighted concerns with compliance with the Mental Capacity Act which had been raised at its previous inspections and which still had not been addressed, meaning people’s consent was not always lawfully obtained.

The inspection added that people still had no access to social or recreational activities with the majority observed sitting all day watching TV.
People were found to go for significant periods without a bath or shower and mostly only received ‘strip washes’ or ‘bed baths’.
While staff were found to be “polite and pleasant” to residents the number on duty was not always sufficient to meet people’s needs and recruitment processes were found to be unsafe.
The condition of the building had also deteriorated, placing people at risk of harm and continence equipment was not cleaned safely, putting people at risk of contamination.
The CQC announced that it was cancelling Woolton Manor’s registration in August following a long running legal case (see Inadequate Liverpool care home to close at hands of the CQC).
Hudgell Solicitors had previously ranked Woolton Manor as one of the UK’s worst care homes following analysis of CQC data (see England’s worst care homes revealed).
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