OSJCT celebrates Outstanding double
The Orders of St John Care Trust (OSJCT) is celebrating an Outstanding double after Hartsholme in Lincoln and Monkscroft in Cheltenham joined the 2% of adult care services achieving the CQC’s top rating.
Hartsholme, which provides care for up to 44 people, was described as being “outstandingly responsive” following an inspection in May.
The CQC said “staff were motivated by and proud of the service and there was a sense of shared purpose. There were consistently high levels of constructive engagement with people, staff and the local community. People were involved in decision making and actively encouraged to share their views”.

Inspectors noted how a relative was given use of the home’s kitchen to cook a meal for their loved one.
The home was also commended for promoting best practice through its champions in safeguarding, dignity, dementia, medicines and infection control.
Home manager Cheryl Gilderdale, said: “The team are so happy to be recognised for their continual dedication and care for our friends and residents at Hartsholme House. We are proud to work for such a fantastic, supportive organisation working together to make our care home truly our residents’ home.”
Monkscroft was described as “outstandingly caring” by the CQC, which commended the home for enabling people to explore new areas of independence following its inspection.
The CQC said: “People were supported in an individualised way that encouraged them to be as independent as possible. Relatives told us they felt the home went above and beyond to ensure people had the best quality of life. We received no negative feedback. Staff told us there was an open culture and they enjoyed working at the home.”
Home manager Bogumil Cwiklak said: “This is an extremely special moment for everyone at Monkscroft; being recognised or awarded is one of the best feelings in the world. We are overwhelmed with gratitude and we also want to share our achievements with the people who helped us obtain this very special result.
“These are the exceptional people who live and work at Monkscroft along with their families and our volunteers. The generous community organisations that give us so much support are also very special to us. We would also like to recognise the support given to us by the multidisciplinary teams and finally the Orders of St John Care Trust for the values it promotes within its company, which is the foundation of this success. We are so proud.”
OSJCT has achieved four Outstandings over the past 18 months with Monkscroft and Hartsholme having followed Gregory House in Lincoln and Brookside in Wiltshire in gaining the CQC’s top rating.
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