Person Centred Software partners with PrivacyTrust on GDPR

Person Centred Software has partnered with PrivacyTrust to ensure its care home customers receive the latest information about keeping on track with GDPR and data protection.
The Mobile Care Monitoring (MCM) systems provider hosted the first in a series of joint webinars with PrivacyTrust, entitled ‘GDPR: What’s Next’ for care homes. The online discussion looked at how homes can keep care records secure and compliant, but still accessible for staff to update and read, whenever they need to. A recording of the event is available at
Karen Cheeseman, a GDPR consultant at PrivacyTrust, who hosted the webinar, alongside Andrew Coles, product manager at Person Centred Software, said: “Protecting personal data is vital and GDPR is an opportunity for businesses to add value and build a brand that can use trust as their differentiator. GDPR is a welcome update to data protection within the UK and Europe.”

Evidencing care and planning person-centred care electronically using MCM, ensures GDPR compliance and enables care homes to provide the best possible care for their residents. With MCM, users are in full control of information as the data controller. They can control the privacy of care records, whilst MCM processes all the information to help them to meet the data processing requirements of GDPR.
Andrew added: “Technology can really help to maximise the effectiveness of care and make a real difference to people’s lives. Every staff member working in care needs the right tools to support them in their job, and this in turn can help them be recognised for the high quality, person-centred care they provide to residents.”
As organisations that collect personal data, care homes need to comply with GDPR, the European wide legislation that affects how organisations collect, store and use personal data. GDPR is designed to modernise the laws that protect the personal data of individuals. It affects every part of a care home, giving greater rights to the individual and making organisations more accountable.
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