Quantum Care makes railway dreams come true for residents

Over 30 elderly Quantum Care residents had their wishes come true when they got to ride on a steam train.
The day out for residents and guests from across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Essex at Epping Ongar Railway was granted as part of the not for profit provider’s Silver Wishes scheme.
Debbie Gilard, Head of Corporate Services for Quantum Care, said: “We had the most amazing day at the Epping Ongar Railway. The volunteers that work there went out of their way to ensure that we had the best day possible. The same goes for the Pivaz restaurant in Epping who treated us to the most delicious lunch.

“Granting Silver Wishes like this creates positive and lasting memories for our residents while embedding the outstanding relationship between our care homes and our local communities. We have been humbled by the readiness of these local businesses and individuals to help us in any way they could, and would like to offer our sincere thanks.”
Resident Derek from Quantum Care’s Dunstable care home was absolutely thrilled with his day out. He said: “I grew up near to the railway and it has brought back many memories. I have had such a marvellous day today.”
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