Runwood Homes service remains in Special Measures

Runwood Homes’ Chelmunds Court in Birmingham remains in Special Measures following an inspection by the CQC.
The focused inspection of the home in August came after it was rated Inadequate earlier this year.
Issues raised during the previous inspection included insufficient staffing, inconsistent management of people’s risks, unsafe medicines management and lack of support for external healthcare appointments. The home was also found to have failed to demonstrate that people were given enough food and fluids to remain healthy.

The CQC said it had received further information of concern following its inspection relating to medicines management, management changes and the safe management of risks associated with people’s care.
In its latest inspection, the CQC said relatives continued to lack confidence in the service’s leadership and staff competencies. Medicines management was not always managed safely and people were not always protected from abuse by other people living at the home.
A Runwood Homes spokesperson said: “The home has undergone a significant management change and restructure affording huge and sustained improvements.
“We look forward to the return of CQC where the progress will be evidenced and the very high standards of care within Chelmunds Court made clear.
“As with any service we will monitor this very closely.”
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