Sanctuary Care home brought out of ‘special measures’

A Sanctuary Care home has been brought out of ‘special measures’ after being rated ‘inadequate’ on two consecutive occasions.
Highcroft Hall in Wolverhampton was rated ‘requires improvement’ following an inspection in August.
The CQC said “significant improvements” had been made at the service following its last inspection while adding, “there was still some risks to people that had not been consistently mitigated”.

“People were protected from potential abuse because staff were trained to recognise and respond to safeguarding concerns,” the CQC said.
“People received their medicines as prescribed. People were supported by sufficient numbers of staff. People received care and support from suitable and appropriate staff because the registered provider was committed to safe recruitment practices.”
The CQC added, however, that the home had not ensured that it had acted consistently in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act, adding that appropriate best interest meetings had not consistently taken place where people lacked capacity to make decisions and give consent.
Sheila O’Connor, Director of Operations, said: “Significant improvements have been made since the previous CQC visit and this has clearly been recognised during the recent inspection. It is particularly pleasing that the home is now rated as ‘good’ in two areas and that the report states residents are treated with compassion, dignity and respect, and that they receive personalised care that is responsive to their needs.
“We are committed to providing all our residents with the highest possible standard of care and we will work tirelessly to ensure the improvements continue throughout the home.”
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