Sanctuary Care home rated Requires Improvement by CQC

Sanctuary Care’s Yarnton Residential and Nursing Home in Kidlington, Oxfordshire has been rated Requires Improvement by the CQC.
The service, which accommodates up to 60 residents, was rated Good for being Effective, Caring and Responsive but Requires Improvement for Safe and Well-led following an inspection in April.
Sheila O’Connor, Director of Operations, said: “While we were pleased that inspectors found three out of five areas to be Good, we were naturally disappointed by the overall outcome as we always strive to deliver the highest standards of care to our residents.

“It was heartening to see many positive aspects of our home highlighted, including how caring our team are and how passionate they are about their roles. We are confident that we have addressed the areas of concern within the report and the team look forward to maintaining and building on these improvements.”
The CQC commented: “People at risk of developing pressure sores were not always protected from these risks. People’s pressure mattresses were not always set to correct pressures. People’s medicines were not always stored safely.
“Fire evacuation measures were not always correct. Staff supervision, appraisal and refresher training records were not up to date. Some of the provider’s quality assurance systems were not used effectively.”
At the time of inspection the home was run by an interim manager with the CQC noting that staff vacancies were covered by regular agency staff to ensure people’s needs were met.
The CQC said: “The management team were doing all they could to ensure safe staffing levels. The home had robust recruitment procedures and conducted background checks to ensure staff were suitable for their roles.”
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