SCIE calls on government to invest in innovative and effective social care models

The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) has called on national and local policy makers to invest in scaling up innovative and effective social care models.
In a new paper, the charity agency urged the government to use the Social Care Green Paper to present a vision of how care and support goes beyond the traditional boundaries of social care to foster people’s wellbeing, social connections and independence.
Paul Burstow, Chair of SCIE, said: “The Government’s October 2018 announcement of £650m additional money for adult social care in 2019/20 is welcome news … Investment should be targeted on evidence-based ways of working which prevent or reduce the need for care in the first place, or improve outcomes when they are needed… As this report demonstrates, there is already enough good evidence to make the change to a more proactive, preventative way of working which delivers more of what people want: a life.”

‘Transforming care and support’ draws together emerging evidence and insights from recent work. For example, asset-based approaches can bring together the skills, knowledge and assets available within communities and individuals – as well as the public, private and voluntary sectors.
The SCIE said the development of an asset-based approach requires a strong overarching vision and a different approach to commissioning to bring about significant change.
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