Silverline Care announces regional operations manager appointments

Silverline Care, a residential care provider for the elderly which operates six nursing homes across Scotland and two nursing homes across Yorkshire, has appointed two Regional Operations Managers to look after its Scottish and Yorkshire Homes.
May Prentice has been appointed the new Regional Operations Manager for Scotland and Belinda Dennis will carry out the role in Yorkshire.
Tim Bolot, Chief Executive at Silverline, Care said: “Both May and Belinda are enthusiastic, highly experienced individuals who have been excellent managers; May at our Spiers Care Home in Beith and Belinda at our Linson Court Care Home in Batley. They are constantly challenging and inspiring us to improve as an organisation, while being integral to a range of exciting new initiatives.”

May’s appointment in Scotland comes as the organisation builds a support team in Glasgow after relocating its support office from London earlier this year. She was promoted to the role after managing Silverline Care’s Spiers Care Home in Beith and brings 18 years of experience running care homes in various nursing, residential and social care settings. Registered as a nurse in 1992, her achievements with Silverline Care include earning an improved Care Inspectorate Grade for Spiers Care Home whilst maintaining a high occupancy and a low staff turnover.
Belinda – a registered nurse for 43 years – has been managing care homes since 1993 and joined Silverline Care earlier this year as manager of Linson Court Care Home in Batley. She will continue this role alongside her new post. Both roles will include the running the organisation’s IT, estates, catering and quality assurance operations in the communities they serve.
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