Stow Healthcare celebrates ‘outstanding’ hat rick

Turnaround specialist Stow Healthcare has celebrated its third CQC ‘outstanding’.
Stowlangtoft Hall has joined Brandon Park and Ford Place in gaining the CQC’s top rating following an inspection in October.
Registered Manager Sally Chilvers said: “I am absolutely thrilled with the report and rating, I couldn’t quite believe it when the news came through. For me, it is extra special for the home to be recognised for its ‘outstanding’ care. This is something that I am passionate about and which is very close to my heart. The care provided by every member of the team at Stowlangtoft Hall, no matter what their role, is truly something special.”

In its report, the CQC said: “Care and compassion was at the heart of the ethos of staff’s practice and fundamental to the care people and also their relatives received.
“Staff understood the level of care needed to ensure a truly person-centred service was delivered to people. This involved understanding and recognising the small detail that was vital and unique to each person.”
The CQC also highlight the home’s strong leadership, adding: “We saw that the registered manager was passionate about the care being delivered and ensuring people had the best care. It was clear that staff felt valued and motivated to provide excellent care to people.”
Stow Healthcare was named Residential Care Provider of the Year at the LaingBuisson awards in November.
The latest success means that three out of its five care home are rated outstanding with other two homes, Melford Court and Halstead Hall, rated ‘good’.
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