SUPPLIER FOCUS: Health and safety training at your finger tips

iHASCO provides online health and safety training courses designed to equip care home staff and managers with the essential skills and knowledge to deliver their care to the best possible standard.
Courses cover slips, trips and falls, infection prevention, moving and handling, and DoLS training. The training provider also offers 15 courses geared specifically towards gaining the Care Certificate.
Head of Business, Alex Wilkins, told CHP: “The way we develop and deliver our training courses ensures we maintain engagement throughout the training programme. The major advantage of online training is accessibility.
“My worry as a health and safety professional is that people don’t do the training because they can’t get round to doing it face to face. elearning is absolutely ideal for making sure that everyone has the training that they need.”
iHASCO serves around 1,000 care homes, with clients ranging from small independents to large corporates.
Care staff are able to dip in and dip out of bitesize, 25-60 minute courses through their iPads, mobile phones or PCs. The courses are delivered through easy to follow videos that include animated demonstrations.
A course user on business rating site, Trustpilot, where iHASCO boasts an ‘excellent’ rating, commented: “An excellent course, very well done with information videos that were very clear and concise.”
Alex concluded: “Training is very important for the care workforce. Moving and handling safely, fire evacuations and fluids and nutrition care, for example, are key areas with which carers are dealing with on a regular basis and need to have the knowledge on. The content we have is a fantastic way to train and maintain that knowledge.”
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