Survey reveals greater strains on adult social care managers
New research by Skills for Care has revealed adult social care registered managers have busy and varied roles but are feeling increasingly under strain.
In an online survey of 860 registered managers, 83% of the 80% who said their role had changed, said they felt more pressured. Almost three quarters of these (73%) also said their role was more varied.
Oliver French, Project Manager at Skills for Care, commented: “Our latest research gives us a better understanding of the registered manager role, how it‘s evolving and what support and recognition is needed to recruit and retain this group of managers.

“We already know that the turnover and vacancy rates for registered managers are 23% and 11% respectively, and we expect as many as 10,000 registered managers to retire in the next 15 years. This needs to be addressed by the sector.”
The survey also sheds light on the make-up of the 20,000 strong workforce, with 70% being offered their first registered manager post by an existing employer and the majority having not planned to become a manager.
Managers revealed that their role was busy and varied, with their time split between day to day operations, working with families and relatives, working with external partners and leadership, and on business strategy.
A third reported carrying out tasks not in their official job descriptions with only one in five saying they had become better recognised.
As of June 2018, 92% of providers rated ‘good’ and 100% of services rated ‘outstanding’ overall were also rated as ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ for ‘Well-led’ (one of the CQC’s key lines of enquiry).
Skills for Care research has identified that a clear pathway is needed for the registered manager role in order to ensure a skilled and confident group of managers and leaders are in place.
Oliver added: “We’re working hard to ensure that registered managers receive the praise and professional recognition they deserve through a number of initiatives. These include our professional membership body, networks where managers can connect at a local level and our succession planning pilot programmes that are testing models of support for aspiring and new managers.”
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