Trial begins of care home provider accused of failing to prevent sexual assaults

A trial begins today of a care home firm accused of failing to prevent the sexual abuse of its vulnerable residents.
A prosecution against Hillgreen Care Limited brought by the CQC will be heard at Highbury Corner Magistrates Court.
Hillgreen Care is accused of failing in its duty under Regulation 12 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Regulations 2014 by exposing services users at care home in Enfield, London to a risk of sexual harm between April 1 2015 and November 1 2015.

The care home operator is also accused of failing in its duty under Regulation 13 to establish and/or operate effectively systems and processes to prevent the service users of abuse between April 1 2015 and November 1 2015 at the same home. One person was said to have sustained avoidable harm as a result of the alleged failure.
District Judge Susan Williams has ordered reporting restrictions on the trial, which takes place today and tomorrow, in order to protect the identity of people giving evidence and the alleged victims of the incidents.
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