Virtual Bingo connects Ideal Carehomes’ residents

A virtual bingo hall has been created to connect residents across Ideal Carehomes’ 16 care homes.
Lifestyle manager Tom Ogden used Facebook Live to stream the game and connect residents from each home, creating friendships across the country.
Tom said: “I wanted to do something a bit different and fun for our residents and who doesn’t love a game of bingo?! The game was very relaxed – nothing like the pressure at some bingo halls when you can get into trouble for taking someone’s lucky seat or sneezing at the wrong time!

“The residents were amazed that they were linking up with others from up and down the country to play. I have lots more ideas lined up, we are going to host a live quiz next and have a trophy for the winners that can be passed around all the homes. The options are endless and everyone is really excited!”
Tom, who works at luxury care home Newfield Lodge in Castleford, made sure he knew all the ‘bingo lingo’ before hosting the big event last week and residents and guests had their favourite dabbers at the ready for a great afternoon of entertainment which certainly didn’t disappoint.
The modern twist on the timeless classic proved a big hit with residents and families alike.
Margaret Siddle, daughter of a resident at Ashworth Grange in Dewsbury, said: “We joined in the live bingo with Dad and we all thought it was really good. We actually won a game for Ashworth. We thought it was really impressive that lots of people from other places could be playing with us at the same time. It was great fun!”
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